Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Halloweekend?

What would Halloween ever be without a little controversy?

This year, there appears to be some dispute growing within our own community of Halloween folks. Spirit Halloween has launched an Internet campaign and petition to change the official celebration of All Hallow's Eve from October 31 to the final Saturday in October, ever year. With Halloween finally on a Saturday again this year, the definite appeal of a Saturday celebration has, quite understandably, become something some Halloween fans do not want to give up. Personally, Halloween on a Saturday does contain many benefits weekday celebrations do not. Not everyone is off from work on Saturday, but being that I am, and many people are, I cannot wait to experience the day without having to go in to school or the office. From the time I wake up in the morning, I can focus all my energies on Halloween. And, on a Saturday, I do not have worry about staying up too late partying, watching scary movies and drinking (possibly hard) apple cider. Sunday can be spent sleeping in, recovering and for clean up. Not to mention the fact that one can go shopping for all the day after clearance sales without having to worry about going in to work.

Spirit does make some very valid arguments, the most valid of which appears to be the safety of kids trick or treating before dark. From their website:

"Saturday Halloween makes good sense.
However, I do not feel, at this time, I can endorse the campaign. Yes, trick or treating before dark is safer... but. I found myself wondering, what if, as a child, I was forced to trick or treat out in the sun? I would never have felt that excitement that builds as night falls, and jack o'lanterns begin to flicker, while the time comes to put your costume on and the first doorbell rings in the dark. Spirit is absolutely right that it makes economic sense-- but. I don't think I'm comfortable just yet with my holiday being moved from its haunted home on the 31. There is something, maybe magic, about that number, about going to work dressed in orange and black, and knowing that once you are done you can enjoy the holiday.

Also, I wonder what effect an eternal Saturday would have on trick or treating during the day. Would people be expected to be home and offering candy all day? What if some people are home for part of the day and not others? Makes one wonder what could happen...

All in all, I understand the appeal of keeping Halloween on a Saturday. However, I understand why many people are opposed to this-- and, at least at this time, I am going to come down on the side of tradition and hope that we, as a country, don't mess with a pretty good thing.

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